Wallcliffe House development
The Karri Karrak Aboriginal Corporation prepared a statement regarding the Wallcliffe House development.
Proposed offshore wind area
The government is seeking feedback on a proposed offshore wind area in the Indian Ocean, off Bunbury.
2023 Annual Report
The Karri Karrak Aboriginal Corporation 2023 Annual Report is now available to download.
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act
Statement by the Karri Karrak Aboriginal Corporation on the repeal of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021.
Truth telling and education through art
Karri Karrak member Sandra Hill received a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Curtin University 2023 Alumni Awards.
The Voice to Parliament: Statement of Support
Read our statement of support for the Voice to Parliament
Strategic Plan development
The Karri Karrak Aboriginal Corporation is developing its first Strategic Plan, and we want your input.
Voice to Parliament panel discussion
Members of the Karri Karrak Aboriginal Corporation are invited to an enlightening panel discussion on the Voice to Parliament upcoming referendum.