Karri Karrak Aboriginal Corporation Director Election Notice and call for candidates to seek selection
By resolution of the directors, the Karri Karrak Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 9633) is seeking experienced and skilled Corporation members to become Directors.
A ballot is scheduled to open on 3 October 2024 for two (2) Director Positions; one (1) male and one (1) female, to be elected by the Members of the Corporation.
The nomination period for the above positions will commence on 19 July 2024 and will close at 5pm on 9 August 2024.
Download: Karri Karrak election notice
Download: Karri Karrak election nomination form
Karri Karrak Cultural Advice Committee nominations open
The Karri Karrak Aboriginal Corporation is seeking nominations for two (2) men and two (2) women to join their Cultural Advice Committee (CAC) for a three (3) year term.
The CAC is a group of Elders and traditional knowledge-holders who consider matters relevant to culture, and make decisions to promote and protect our cultural interests.
Applications are due by 5pm on 27 August 2024.
Download: Karri Karrak CAC nomination form