South West Boojarah Trust Fund

The South West Boojarah Trust Fund exists for the benefit of eligible members of the South West Boojarah agreement group. It is not run by the Karri Karrak Aboriginal Corporation and you do not need to be a member to apply. For more information please contact the Trustee listed below.

The trust provides the following support:

  1. Funeral Payment: $1,000 per member, monies paid direct to approved funeral home of the family’s choice;

  2. Prescription Glasses: $250 per member; and

  3. Medical Support (up to $2,000 available for Elders) to assist with mobility and chronic medical conditions e.g. gophers/wheelchairs/walking frames, lift beds, sleep apnoea equipment.

Please see below the application form for Funeral Assistance:

Please see below the application form for Medical Assistance:

Managed by Equity Trustees

Client Relationship Manager: Nic Merson
Phone: 08 6220 0506

Level 3, 28 The Esplanade Perth
Phone: 03 8623 5000