A new cultural mapping tool to preserve Noongar Cultural Heritage
The project will identify Noongar Heritage sites with initial funding to map the cultural knowledge of 30 Karri Karrak Elders and Senior Knowledge Holders.
Call for Aboriginal artwork
An exciting opportunity for an Aboriginal artist. Applications are due 22 November 2024.
Newsletter: Issue 2
Read about all the initiatives we've been working on including our ranger program, new heritage service, and the Noongar Cultural Heritage Agreement.
Noongar Cultural Heritage Agreement
We are proud to announce the launch of the Noongar Cultural Heritage Agreement with a strong focus on Traditional Custodian consultation and consent.
Shirley Williams
We express our condolences to the Williams Family and the Colbung Family on the passing of Shirley.
Opportunity: Regional Director Training
Karri Karrak members are invited to attend a four-day workshop, hosted by the National Native Title Council.