Karri Karrak becomes a member of the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance

Media statement

Karri Karrak Aboriginal Corporation (Karri Karrak) is pleased to announce membership of the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA). In becoming members, Karri Karrak demonstrates its support for the vision of a world where the mining industry:

  • respects the human rights and aspirations of affected communities;

  • provides safe, healthy and supportive workplaces;

  • minimises harm to the environment; and,

  • leaves positive legacies.

The IRMA Standard for Responsible Mining (Standard) is the world’s most comprehensive and rigorous definition of responsible practices in mining. The Standard puts Traditional Custodians and free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) back at the centre of management of Boodja (Country), its resources and cultural significance.

Karri Karrak is the Regional Corporation and Heritage Body for the South West Boojarah region of Western Australia. Membership of IRMA continues Karri Karrak’s commitment to recognition of rights and implementation of the United Nations Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) in any engagement with projects on Boodja.

In 2024, Karri Karrak launched its landmark Noongar Cultural Heritage Agreement (Agreement), establishing a robust and comprehensive framework designed to safeguard Noongar Cultural Heritage. Central to the Agreement are stringent provisions that mandate Traditional Custodian consultation, collaborative decision-making, and securing FPIC.

Abby Phillis, Chief Executive Officer of Karri Karrak, said: “The Agreement works hand in hand with the Standard by including initiatives for cultural awareness, capacity building, promoting cross-cultural education and training, fostering business and employment opportunities, and cultivating equitable and enduring partnerships.”

Aimee Boulanger, IRMA’s Executive Director said, “We welcome Karri Karrak’s membership and voice in IRMA as we work together to create a world where the mining industry respects the human rights and aspirations of affected communities, provides safe, healthy and supportive workplaces, minimizes harm to the environment, and leaves positive legacies.”

Karri Karrak is pleased that Talison Lithium Pty Ltd have volunteered their Greenbushes Lithium Operation in Western Australia to IRMA for independent audit. Located in the South West Boojarah region, such undertaking ensures that Traditional Custodians rights are respected and FPIC is implemented within the overall project.

In implementing UNDRIP, IRMA’s system pairs the Standard with an independent assurance program, measuring performance against the Standard in a manner accountable and credible to diverse stakeholders.

Compliance with the IRMA Standard protects Traditional Custodians rights through enshrining UNDRIP and mandating FPIC. Karri Karrak looks forward to working with Talison Lithium Pty Ltd on meeting these best international practice standards.

Download: Karri Karrak media statement (PDF 449KB).


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